Kids enjoying the “Magic Brush”-interactive touch screen sketch and projection game deployed in the Hong Kong Jockey Club children play area.
City :
Hong Kong, China
Playground Profile :
The Hong Kong Jockey Club is a world-class racing club that acts continuously for the betterment of our society. Founded in 1884 as a membership club to promote racing, today the Club operates a unique integrated business model of world-class racing and racecourse entertainment.
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The Magic Brush deployed in Hongkong Jockey Club is a customized version by the Idea of Tree House, there are 6 touch tables on the branches that kids can doodle on, then the characters kids doodled can be projected on the 6 screens on the trunk to come alive and move around. If you are looking for an edutainment solution for your indoor kids area, Magic Brush could be a great choice to transform the area into an immersive and interactive space.